Tras una jornada llena de reflexiones y discernimientos, y buscando unirse y aportar en el camino de la excelencia del Colegio Cafam, los padres y madres de familia llegaron a una serie de conclusiones, metas y acciones de mejora (a desarrollar desde cada) que compartimos a continuación:


Hacer seguimiento y acompañamiento en casa.
Inculcar la formación en hábitos de estudio.
Generar espacios de lectura en familia.
Apoyar el aprendizaje a través del uso de herramientas didácticas en casa.
Reforzar la importancia de la responsabilidad, fortaleciendo la adecuada distribución de los tiempos en casa.
Establecimiento de metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo en pro del proyecto de vida.
Seguimiento y promoción de habilidades sociales desde casa.
Promover la construcción de valores y la resolución pacífica de conflictos.

Altas expectativas como familia

Fomentar la relación de los conceptos académicos con la vida cotidiana.
Proyectar y desarrollar el pensamiento crítico.
Enseñar desde el ejemplo.
Manejo de la frustración.
Propiciar espacios de comunicación asertiva y expresión de emociones.
Permitir la asociación de los conocimientos a eventos del diario vivir. 



Now that the new academic year begins, there are some things worth reflecting about. This article does not provide answers, its only intention is to motivate a reflection in the academic community and to call on everybody´s participation in order to change some attitudes and to stop some behaviors that affect the whole community in a negative way.

We the members of the CAFAM community come from civilized families, from people who aim the best for society; our primary social groups have taught us basic principles in order to live as proactive members of a community and to make everybody´s life better. Our parents, our relatives, our loved ones, those who guide us in life,  have during years and years, shown us basic behaviors to make the dream of a better country, come true.  

Bearing this in mind, acknowledging that what is said in the previous paragraph is absolutely true, that all the members of this community of knowledge construction and of human beings integral development, have been so fortunate to experience, to live first hand, examples of civic behavior, of actions that benefit the community, there is no justification at all for what in spite of all the efforts done by the administrative staff and by the teachers in order to stop it, continues happening.   
1.   It is unacceptable to see the school facilities, specially the grass,  covered by trash . . . country lunch boxes, candy´s wrapping and all sorts of garbage, as if there were neither recycle bins nor waste baskets around it.

2.   The Institution invests millions every year in materials and man-hours ( salaries ) to adequate the school so that the facilities  provide comfort to the academic community and are in the most favorable condition for the construction of knowledge:  tables are sanded and painted, classroom floors are washed and polished, walls are painted, boards replaced, sports facilities are renewed, services such as bathrooms are re-modeled and so on; the list  could go on and on, enumerating all the reconditioning that our school goes through permanently.

Despite all the efforts to have the best building, the most comfortable place, the most suitable elements, in spite of all the work done to motivate the care of the natural and man-produced environment, sadly tables continue being ¨decorated¨ by the work of markers and wide out, in some cases the paint is even taken off the surfaces with blades; there are drawings and signs on lockers, walls and windows.

Why do we behave in such savage way?

Many public schools whose population come from impoverished neighborhoods, with no paved streets and very basic housing facilities, are absolutely clean, no graffitis on walls, classrooms in optimum condition; it is noticeable that the academic community takes care of the structure and elements. Why do the members of CAFAM SCHOOL do not appreciate, value and take care of the place we spend most time at?

Another topic that is quite puzzling is the low commitment with the construction of knowledge, with the process of becoming integral human beings. Learning to adjust to, and following the rules that a community establishes is part of learning to discipline ourselves, when one enters a group or community that has some rules, one accepts to observe them and in case there is an improvement opportunity, the individual promotes the change of the obsolete regulation, but observes it until it is modified by the collectivity.

Cafam has had a uniform for at least twenty one years, which means that all of the members of the community accepted to wear it when they registered at this school; however a great number of students consider themselves fashions designers and modify the uniform every single day, making the community look untidy. Some will say that it affects their individuality and do not let them be themselves, making them become part of the mass. Ideas, creativity, discipline, respect, character, endurance, determination is what makes us stand out. I personally think that it is not a uniform what converts us in part of the mass, it is our lack of ideas, our lack of character that does not let us  go against the mass,  to not follow the crowd and take the difficult road, the road of values and good behavior.

There are many other facts that need to be thought about in our community, such as the proper use of cell phones and many others, however in order to focus our attention in the previous ítems, those will be written about in future articles.

María Victoria Correa - Profesora Inglés



I felt overwhelmed, you came up to me and expressed your gratitude, you told me how much you have learnt from me  and how I have contributed to your construction as an autonomous human being, as a proactive member of society, you also mentioned all the things I helped you with during all these years.

It was a very touching moment, and I want you to know that I am going to miss you very much, I am going to miss the human being  to whom my subject was not the favorite one; as a matter of fact, you have struggled with English during all your academic life, but your commitment and endeavour were admirable, you always walked the extra mile, not only to improve your communicative skills, but to make everybody´s life better.

You always worked so hard; despite the difficulties you faced when trying to improve your proficiency in the second language; you never gave up, you never hid yourself behind the excuse: ¨I do not understand¨, ¨I can´t¨; during years and years you kept trying and doing your best to become bilingüal.

As a member of the academic community, you were always so willing to help, to support your classmates and your teacher. An excellent attitude was a constant in you.

Saying good bye in such a warm way just shows what a kind hearted person you are. I always knew it and till the last minute, you showed it, not to show off, but because kindness is your nature.  

I wish you the best in life, may you continue being the person you are, so endurant, so perseverant, because the human being I know in you, will make her dreams come true and will become a  proactive, fulfilled  member of society.

People like you make teacher´s everyday worth !!!

María Victoria Correa - Profesora Inglés



¿Los jóvenes saben tomar decisiones con responsabilidad? las decisiones son algo que tenemos que tener en cuenta en nuestro día a día, la toma de decisiones es el proceso mediante el cual se realiza una elección entre las opciones o formas para resolver diferentes situaciones de la vida en diversos contextos. A la hora de tomar una decisión, influyen vario valores, los principales son la responsabilidad y la autonomía.
Últimamente se han estado reportando varios problemas en los jóvenes a la hora de tomar una decisión, debido a que no piensan en las consecuencias que estas pueden acarrear, sea buena o mala; otro problema es que los jóvenes no toman con responsabilidad las consecuencias que sus actos conllevan, entonces esa es una de las razones para empezar a preocuparse por las decisiones que los jóvenes toman debido a que son el futuro del país.

¿Conocen los jóvenes las habilidades para la vida? A la hora de hablar del día a día de una persona, es obvio que van a aparecer situaciones diferentes, las habilidades son necesarias para enfrentar estos retos que la vida nos brinda diariamente. Entre estas habilidades para la vida se encuentra el punto anterior, la toma de decisiones, pero también se encuentra la solución de problemas, que tiene varios pasos para lograr resolver un problema de una manera sana, sin perjudicarse a uno mismo ni perjudicar a otras personas, como normalmente los jóvenes de hoy en día lo hacen. Esto preocupa bastante debido a que una “Solución” a un problema en la actualidad podría ser desde una pequeña venganza hacia otra persona, hasta algo muy grave como lastimar físicamente a alguien.

¿Conocen los jóvenes los riesgos de las sustancias psicoactivas? Este punto tiene mucho que ver con los dos temas tratados anteriormente, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas es muy común a la hora de hablar sobre personas que se sienten mal, ya sea física o psicológicamente, aunque en realidad no solucione ningún problema sino que por el contrario, traiga muchos más problemas, ya sean de salud, sociales o económicos. A la hora de tomar una decisión como esta, se debe pensar más de dos veces las cosas, porque muchas drogas no sólo generan una gran tolerancia, sino que también dependencia. El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas se ha visto incrementado últimamente en los jóvenes, los cuales se dejan llenar de información falsa que los influencia a entrar en el mundo de las drogas.

Podemos concluir que jóvenes de hoy en día deben prestar más atención a la toma decisiones con responsabilidad y autonomía, y deben informarse un poco más acerca de las habilidades para la vida; además debemos ser más conscientes de los riesgos de las sustancias psicoactivas ¿Es posible solucionar esto de alguna manera?

Estudiante 8- B

3 comentarios:

  1. felicitaciones a todos los que pasaron a la universidad que entiendan que es un paso muy grande en su vida y lo que vayan a estudiar sea de su agrado...... que sean los mejores y demuestren que estudiaron en cafam...

  2. en cuanto a los que pasaron a sexto primero de bachillerato entiendan que es un cambio muy duro y que lo disfruten mucho
